February 2, Reading 1 – Genesis 40


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SAA Notes

Potiphar assigns Pharaoh’s baker and cupbearer to Joseph’s care. While he is content to leave Joseph in prison, he is more than willing to utilise Joseph’s talents. Joseph spends the next two years in the prison. How would your faith stand up?

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for this day You have made, and for Your word given to us.

“Only remember me, when it is well with you,”

It is interesting to realise that while the Lord succeeded all that Joseph did, and he worked with all his might at whatever the Lord put his hand to (which at this stage was managing a prison when still a prisoner), Joseph was still very clear that he should not be there.

It can be hard to find a contentment while submitting under the hand of God, especially when the circumstances are particularly unjust.

Here Joseph shows us how to go about it.

We don’t stop working for the Lord.

But if the opportunity is given to plead our case, then we can do so.

Which in turn reminds us to be thankful, because no matter the trials here on earth – How good it is that our Shepherd King plead our own case before GOD ALMIGHTY and won us an inheritance that was not earned!

How wonderful it is to think on, what a Saviour we have!

* Father God in Heaven,

Thank You for Jesus, who paid the penalty we deserve so that we could gain what we do not deserve.

Thank You for Your love, Your faithfulness without end.

Thank You Lord!


February 1, Reading 1 – Genesis 39


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SAA Notes

Joseph is a most attractive character – he keeps his integrity in situations where most others would have given over and gone with the flow. Potiphar, as captain of the guard, had the charge of the Pharaoh’s prison. He continues to use Joseph, even as he placates his wife. David said: I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. 1 Chronicles 29:17

SJA Notes

* God Above, thank You for this day, and for Your word to us.

“And whatever he did, the LORD made it succeed.”

Sometimes we might imagine that this means some people get an easy ride from God, that anything they do God gives the thumbs up.

But that’s not the case!

Joseph didn’t do whatever he wanted.

Joseph walked obediently before the Lord, that encompassed “whatever he did”.

God has promised to bless His people.

He has blessed us in saving us through the sacrifice He Himself made.

He has blessed us in giving us an inheritance like no other, one we did not deserve or earn, eternal life.

And He blesses us as we go through this life, in small and big ways, in spiritual and in earthly ways.

God giving success to His people does not mean they won’t face persecution (Joseph was in prison!).

But God does give success to the ways of His people (as they follow Him).

This might be a hard word for us, but it is worthy of wrestling.

* Dear God,

Please help us understand what it means that You succeeded whatever Joseph did.

Please teach us a little more today of what it means to be Your people.


January 31, Reading 1 – Genesis 38


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SAA Notes

Consider Judah’s words about Tamar: she is more righteous than I, before judging her actions too harshly. (38:26) Tamar had the responsibility of producing the heir. Judah took that away from her unrighteously. He condemned her to a future of poverty and charity within the camp – she who was chosen to bear the heir! How did Joseph treat Mary – she who was chosen to bear the Heir?

SJA Notes

* Holy God, thank You for saving us from darkness into light – please teach us today from Your word.

“‘By the man to whom these belong, I am pregnant.'”

This is a sorry story.

Judah was a man who gave his lust the reins, and who would have burned Tamar for getting pregnant immorally (outside of marriage).

What are we to think here?

This is why we need Jesus!

Judah was human. He sinned. He made bad decisions. He was a hypocrite. He yielded to temptation.

Just like us.

We need to see Jesus in this passage, Saviour and King – Able to take even such a one as Judah (or ME) and save, taking away the just penalty for our sin and gifting us with faith, marking us for an eternal inheritance like no other.

One of the twins of the union between Judah and Tamar is Perez, from whom came King David, from who came the GREATER SON, the LION of Judah – Jesus!

Praise God that one day we will all of us, from Adam down through Jacob and his sons, to now – All of God’s people joined together with God among us, us the bride adorned for her Husband, God welling with us in full revealed truth.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* Father God in Heaven,

Thank You for Your word to us today.

Please teach us a little more of You, of our need for You.

Thank You for Jesus.
