March 1, Reading 1 – Exodus 20


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Do you know the Ten Commandments off by heart? Every Christian should learn them, together with Jesus’ summary in Luke 10:27. It is important that we realise that 75% of the words of the Ten Commandments are taken up with the first four! We should give a similar weight to our relationship with God!

SJA Notes

* Dear God, thank You for rescuing us into Your light. Please help us reflect Your light to those around.

“You shall have no other gods before me.”

Our God is a jealous God.

He does not delight in fractured half-hearted protestations of religion, false and flakey.

Faithfulness and steadfast love are intentional actions and characteristics of our God.

We are to follow Him in these, to be singular in our devotion, whole-hearted in our worship.

We cannot serve two masters.

Let us flee anything that is not our God.

Let us pursue Him and Him alone. Today and onwards.

* God Above,

Your Name is perfect and to be praised.

Your word is true and our daily bread.

You are the one true and ever-blessed God, there is none like You.

May our worship of You be pure and singular, as we walk in faith.


February 28, Reading 1 – Exodus 19


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The history of exodus is important in understanding the theology being taught through that history. God saves Israel by His grace through their faith in Moses – justification. The Red Sea comes before Mount Sinai. The Law, and especially the Ten Commandments, were given after Israel had been saved, not before. They have to do with how we should live as God’s people, with sanctification. The Ten Commandments were never intended as a means of justification or salvation! Pharisees always get it wrong.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please help us know You better today, to walk in Your ways.

“And as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him in thunder.”

Here is a thing!

Can you imagine the cacophony, more than earthly sight and sound, unearthly trumpet blasts, black smoke like a kiln going up, the mountain itself trembling.

And Moses, the sinner man, speaks.

And God, the Creator and Sustainer and Life-Giver, the perfect true and ever-blessed God, He answers.

In thunder.

We cannot jump back in time and experience this event.

The thunder of God’s answering, the heavenly trumpet sounds, the LORD HIMSELF descending.

But we do see with faith.

Faith given through the work of our King, born in a manger (Immanuel, God With Us), staggering to the skull hill with the cross, dead in the tomb, risen.

He preached to us on the mountain, prayed on the mountain, transfigured on the mountain, slain on a hill.

The thunder of God’s answering. The heavenly trumpet sounds.


If we have seen Jesus, then we have seen this.

It might be with our spiritual sight, our faith the gift that came undeserved – But it is sight nonetheless.

Let us be encouraged that in Jesus we see the Lord Himself descending, God with Us.

* Dear God in Heaven,

Thank You for this passage where Moses goes up the mountain and meets with You as You come down from heaven to the mountain.

Thank You for meeting us in Jesus, God come down and become man to rescue us Your people, defeating the great enemy.

Thank You Lord!


February 27, Reading 1 – Exodus 18


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Moses can take advice from his father-in-law. This is a characteristic of good leadership – a teachable spirit. (2 Timothy 2:2) This chapter is one of the foundational chapters for understanding the eldership – their role and function within the people of God.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, You made and sustain all things. Please teach us today.

“So Moses listened to the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he had said.”

There’s nothing like a family member pointing out where we need help or how we are doing something wrong.

Jethro got right to the heart of the matter, telling Moses he needed to manage the load better, distribute the responsibility and not to try and do everything himself.

This can be hard to hear, direction and wisdom from our close family.

But here Moses is a witness of Jesus to us.

He listened and obeyed.

Just as our King did on His journey to the cross,

“Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Let us wrestle with our own wills today and onwards, by doing God’s will.

* God Above,

Thank You for Your word that teaches us each day.

Please write Your word on our heart today that we might not sin against You.

Please help us to hear your wisdom from those around us, our family and friends.

May we hearken, to hear and obey.
