November 5, Reading 1 – 1 Chronicles 19, 20


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Once again it is notable that the Chronicler does not introduce David adultery and his murder of Uriah. Everyone knew these things. The Chronicler wasn’t hiding anything. What he wanted the exiles to see is the great hope that the offspring (seed) of David would bring true glory to God’s people. We look back and see that hope fulfilled! Where do we find hope and renewed strength to build and rebuild the Church – especially our congregation?

SJA Notes

* Dear God, blessed is everyone who fears You, who walks in Your ways!

“And David took the crown of their king from his head.”

David here is a picture of Jesus the conquering king (low-res and blurry, but a pointer none-the-less).

The powers of the world around us are not in charge, the kings of this mortal coil do not truly hold the power.

It is Jesus, the King of all the kings.

In Revelation 19 we read, of the kings of the earth with their armies,

“And the rest were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of him who was sitting on the horse,”

Who is this person sitting on the horse?

It is the one called Faithful and True, who makes war and judges in righteousness.

Who else but our King Jesus!

Who else but God in the Person of the Son, the lamb slain from before the foundation of the world.

This is who we worship. This is who we serve.

* Almighty God,

Please write Your word on our hearts today.

Please show us what You want for us out of this passage of Your word.


November 4, Reading 1 – 1 Chronicles 17, 18


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Promise, prayer, victory! A house (extended family) and throne forever! Verses 17:11-14 are fulfilled in the birth, ministry, death, resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus Christ. Nathan said: your offspring will build My house. Jesus said: destroy this house and I will rebuild it in three days!

SJA Notes

* Holy God, unless You build the house, those who build it labour in vain.

“Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?”

We see much of God’s wonderful sovereign design reflected in David’s prayerful response to the Lord.

David had thought to build an earthly house for God, and instead God say,

“Moreover, I declare to you that the LORD will build you a house.”

David though to build God a house. Instead, God gives a full-of-hope promise, that a son (Solomon, but then deeper the SON in Jesus) to come who would build the temple.

How much we can see in these words, in this design!

That God instead builds a house for David, an eternal inheritance.

And it is a house He has built for us too!

This temple – Jesus, God’s word become flesh – Broken down on the cross and then raised up into glory on the third day, the Lord’s day, the new Sabbath – Praise His Name!

We can be encouraged to find hope in what God says to David here. Jesus is David’s greater son. And Jesus is the true reality of the temple that we are a part of (living stones, 1 Peter 2).

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* Dear God,

Thank You for your promises to David here – Please help us to find hope in them.

Thank You for David’s response here – Please help us to find example in his words.

Thank You for Jesus, our king and saviour – Please help us to see Him today!


November 3, Reading 1 – 1 Chronicles 16


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Joy and thanksgiving was one of the central planks of Old Testament worship, especially as expressed in song! It is so today, as the New Testament makes abundantly clear. Find one lesson from this Psalm for our congregation.

SJA Notes

* God of mercy, You have done great things for us; we are glad.

“Remember his covenant forever, the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations,”

How wonderful these words are for us to ready today!

God has made a covenant with us, we are grafted into the true vine (Romans 11, John 15) – This is cause for joy!

“Oh give thanks for the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!”

Here we have words of action for us, those who are alive in God’s covenant.

Be people of thankfulness to our God, for our God. Give thanks at all times.

Be people who call upon His name, that NAME above all other names. We act in His name, we are to bear it well, to promote His name above all others.

Be a people crying out to Him, calling on His NAME – The Good Shepherd, the Great Physician, the Servant King, the Creator God, the All-Known, All-Seeing, All-Powerful, All-Everywhere LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!

And to be a people who make known His deeds among the peoples, the world around us – To tell people what God has done for us, to point people to Jesus.

Are we fearless in making known His deeds among those around us, the capacity and equipping God gives to us? Let us be encouraged and exhorted in this!

* Dear Lord God,

You are good, Your steadfast love endures forever!

There is none like You, O God of our salvation!

Blessed be Your Name, God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting!
