August 2, Reading 1 – 1 Samuel 6, 7


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The thing about the calves is that the cows acted against their nature and left their calves. This was a testimony to the Philistines that the Lord is God – God in Philistia too. He is no regional god. Samuel calls Israel to repentance. The heart of repentance is seen in verse 7:3.

SJA Notes

* Holy and Righteous God, when we are afraid we put our trust in You. In You our God, whose word we praise. In You our God we trust, we shall not be afraid – What can flesh do to me?

“Why should you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts?”

It is good to read these words from the lips of unbelievers – words that reflect the reality of who God is.

The Philistine priests (to false gods) and diviners tell the rulers to give glory to the God of Israel!

They call the rulers to hearken back to generations earlier when God wrought such a mighty act in bringing His people out of Egypt.

Out of the mouths of unbelievers comes such truth!

May our own words, our thoughts and deeds, always reflect the glory of our God – For while unbelievers can acknowledge the truth of their Creator – We are His people!

We would be poor believers indeed if we were not pursuing Him and His holiness.

* Dear God Above,

You are holy, You have done marvellous and mighty things.

Your strong arm is evident throughout history.

Please mark us as a faithful people standing in Your faithfulness.

A merciful and gracious people living out Your mercy and Your grace to us.

A loving people – For You are a loving and caring God.

Thank You Lord!


August 2, Reading 2 – Isaiah 48


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Verse 20 reminds us of Jesus’ words to believers in Matthew 24:15-22. The first century believers remembered those words and fled Jerusalem before the second Roman attack that destroyed the city completely.

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* Dear God, please teach us from Your word today.

“Oh that you had paid attention to my commandments!”

This was a hard word for Israel in exile, Israel at the time of Isaiah.

This has been a hard word for God’s people through all the years and generations since then.

And today this is a hard word for us.

The Lord knows us.

“Because I know you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead brass,”

He knows us! Our pride, our stupidity, our terrible decision-making – God knows that we are fallen man, sinners by state and intent.


“… declare this with a shout of joy, proclaim it, send it out to the end of the earth; say, ‘The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob!'”

We were rebels from God, but He called us to Him.

We were outside the camp, but He went outside and brought us back in.

We were dead in our sins, but He has redeemed us.

Who is this who does these things?

The LORD. The Holy One of Israel.

This is a cause for joy! What a hope we have, what a joy it is!

* Father God, Holy One of Israel,

Thank You for the hope we have in You.

Thank You that You have saved us, rescued us, restored and redeemed us – Even though we still have obstinate natures, stiff necks and stubborn brows.

Please sink us in self that we would rise in Thee.


August 2, Reading 3 – 2 Corinthians 9


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Giving! While this is an area between each of us and the Lord, we should be challenged by verse 6 and look boldly at what motivates us. Thanksgiving to God for His indescribable gift is the motivation behind all true giving.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, may our hearts be open to hear Your word to us today.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

There is much encouragement and rebuke both for us in this passage, and in this single verse.

We can be found on the receiving end of someone compelling us even if we are reluctant to give of means/time/energy.

And we can be the ones trying to compel others into what we see as “giving”.

More time spent doing things at church! More effort needed in the activities! We’re not getting enough people and so we must not be putting in enough effort!

This truth from God’s word, that He loves a cheerful giver – It must resound through our lives.

Choose to give, and give cheerfully!

Jesus tells us in Luke 6,

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return,”

This is the heart-attitude we must have.

We can be a cheerful giver because we have been given so much!

* Father God,

Thank You for the gift of eternal life, a hope that cannot be taken away.

Thank You for the gift of salvation, our great debt paid in full.

Thank You for the gift of Your Son Jesus, our great Saviour, King and Lord.
