December 31, Reading 2 – Malachi 3:8-4:6


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Robbing God! These words startle now as then. How do I rob God? This is a good question to ask yourself. 4:5,6 closes the Old Testament with the coming of John the Baptist prophesied. John the Baptist opens the New with his testimony of Jesus.

SJA Notes

* God Above, please teach us this day from Your word as we look to the new year.

“The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the LORD of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.”

This was a word for Israel, going into the many hundreds of years of quiet before Jesus was born.

And this is absolutely a word for us today.

The end of things for anyone outside of Christ, is fire. The lake of fire that burns with sulfur (Revelation 19-20).

As we end the year, it is so important to be reminded of.

Our unbelieving friends and family need Jesus!

And we who are believers, we need Jesus too!

“But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healings in its wings.”

This is Jesus, the SON OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

He rises with healing in His wings – He has bought us, healed us, whistled for us and called us home.

We are His sheep. He is our Good Shepherd.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* Father God,

As we finish another year, we give You thanks!

Thank You for saving us, for healing us.

Thank You for Jesus, the Son of righteousness.

Please bless and keep us for another year, for the sake of Your Name, for Your glory alone.


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