SAA Notes
Jesus is able to sympathise with your weaknesses! He is someone who has faced every temptation you have! Confidence in Jesus is the wisest thing we can give Him. It lies behind all prayer in hard and rending situations.
SJA Notes
* God of Faithfulness without end, thank You for Your love and for giving us Your word. Please teach us today.
“So also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed by him who said to him, ‘You are my Son, today I have begotten you’;”
Jesus is able to interceded for us as our high priest BECAUSE He was appointed by God (after the order of Melchizedek, who had no chronology, beginning or end), and being the one who suffered as we suffer but remained obedient.
We see from this passage the folly of putting our weight of belief and trust in priests who are sinful man.
But in our King, who spent thirty-three years here on earth in the flesh – Our belief and trust in Him are worthwhile!
He did not fail, and will not fail.
He did not fail in His purpose, His every little action, thought and word.
He did not fail in being the suffering servant, the king who carried a crown of thorns, God the Son nailed to a tree.
And He will not fail because He has ascended and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He reigns in glory, and He intercedes for us – Because He can, and He wills, and He loves us His sheep.
Hallelujah, what a Shepherd we have!
* Father God,
Thank You for Jesus, our great High Priest.
Thank You that we can trust in His intercession for us – That through Him we can be saved, eternally.
Please help us approach Your throne of grace with confidence. Not in ourselves, but in Jesus.
That we might receive mercy, and find grace.