August 12, Reading 2 – Isaiah 59


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Cobweb religion seeks to hide from ourselves and others our own lawless ways and behaviour. I can’t help myself here. Our helplessness appalled God. This is why He sent Jesus from before the foundation of the world – God’s own arm worked our salvation.

SJA Notes

* Rescuer God, please show us Your word today, that we might know You better.

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter.”

As in Isaiah’s time so in ours.

The public square is hostile to truth and righteousness.

Instead of justice being close, instead of righteousness as clothing, we run to evil and are swift to shed innocent blood.

What is the problem?

“… transgressing, and denying the LORD, and turning back from following our God,”

The problem is what it has been from Adam and Eve and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


This is not a new problem, and the solution is not new.

It is the same beautiful wonderful fearful means of grace from our Creator God to His created humanity.

John the Baptist, earthly cousin of Jesus, says it so very clearly,

“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Jesus is the answer. The solution. He is the means of grace and the great showing of mercy.

Turn to Him. Look to Him. Fix our eyes on Him.

* Saviour God,

Thank You for saving us by Your grace.

Thank You for saving us by Your righteousness, death, blood and life.

Thank You for saving us by Your illumination, Your renovation and Your preservation.

Thank You Lord!


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