June 7, Reading 3 – Luke 12:1-21


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SAA Notes

These words were spoken to thousands! The last part of verse 7 has always been precious to believers! What has Jesus given you to think about today?

SJA Notes

* Dear Lord God, thank You for this day, and for Your word to us. Please teach us today.

“… For one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

We can get so very easily caught up in wanting more things here on earth.

Maybe not swimming in a money pit, but there are many variations and gradients.

Instead Jesus exhorts us to grow and build and gain and work for treasure that lasts, the heavenly sort!

God’s people will, when laying up treasure in heaven, make decisions that can often be out of line with the world around us.

We invest in our children, in family worship, in our corporate church family life. We care for the broken and have a heart for the lost.

We take time each day to read God’s word. To come and bow before Him and give thanks, give Him our anxieties, ask Him for blessing, and even at times wrestle with His will.

We walk obediently under His Sovereign will, going about His will – Because He says that if we love Him we will do what He tells us.

Let us lay up the right treasure today and onwards!

* Gracious Father,

Thank You for Your word to us. Thank You for the warning in today’s passage against the pursuit of worldly wealth.

May we pursue You and Your holiness today.

Please help us keep our eyes fixed on You.


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