June 3, Reading 3 – Luke 10:25-42


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Jesus answers the same question He answered for Nicodemus in John 3:3 – that of the Ten Commandments. John 3 is from the perspective of God’s love, Luke 10 from that of our love for God and neighbour. The Ten Commandments teach us the principles of true love.

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please light our way today through Your word to us, Your Spirit placing it on our hearts.

“You go, and do likewise.”

Here is the upside-down nature (from man’s perspective) of the true reality of creation, this word that Jesus teaches.

Who is it that shows mercy in the parable?

It is not the high church official, the priest. It is not the church leader, the Levite.


It is the outcast strange, the half-breed the others would not consider spiritual in any way.

Do our minds go after this logic, this worldly wisdom?

We judge the exterior, we show partiality, we look for human praise and seek to establish our own kingdoms.

But the way of Jesus is on an entirely different spectrum.

The way of mercy.

In this story Jesus teaches it is the Samaritan, who would be shunned by “true” Israelites, who walked the way of mercy.

Not the super-spiritual person, not the super-legal/moral one.

Let us be encouraged to walk in the way of mercy, the way Jesus teaches.

* Father God,

Please help us to walk in this way of mercy that Jesus teaches in today’s passage.

Please remind us of who You are, what You have done, and what You are going to do.

Thank You for saving us!


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