June 17, Reading 1 – Deuteronomy 32:15-52


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Moses does not rebel against the Word of the Lord, though it might seem harsh and bitter. Moses has to die outside, just like all that rebellious generation who fought Moses for so long. Instead of complaints over unfairness, Moses teaches trust and obey.

SJA Notes

* Father God in Heaven, You keep us Your people, You guard us from the evil generation.

“For it is no empty word for you, but your very life,”

Moses’ time on earth is coming to an end.

Here his song finishes, and it is a summary and reminder of all that has gone before.

Moses implores the people again to take seriously all that the Lord had spoken to them.

In his gospel the apostle John writes of the same understanding, wonderful deep and powerful words that point us to Jesus,

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

The word become flesh was LIFE, the WORD OF LIFE!

Let us be encouraged to never forget that it was God who made us alive, through Him and Him alone are we born again.

We can be convicted again each day of the necessity to believe that God’s word is LIFE.

Jesus says clearly,

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Amen to this, Hallelujah!

* Lord God,

Thank You that You give us life, life to the full!

Thank You for Your word that tells us and shows us this.

Thank You for Jesus, in whom we see the fullness of Your plans for us, of Your gift of life.

Lord please fix our eyes on Jesus.


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