May 23, Reading 3 – Luke 6:1-19


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

What lessons would Jesus have us learn about the Sabbath and how we use it? Do we pray so intentionally before making major decisions?

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please write Your word on our hearts today, that we might bear much fruit.

“In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.”

Before setting apart the Twelve, His close friends and companions for the next three years of ministry, Jesus spends much time in prayer!

This is God. What need did He have of prayer?

It’s an important question, because if prayer was important for Jesus – Why do we sometimes treat it with diffidence or contempt?

Let’s be encouraged to be a people who are earnest, regular and spontaneous in our prayer conversation with our God. Both on our own and in the groupings together of God’s people that we are a part of.

* God Above,

Thank You that we can pray to You.

Please hear our prayer today.

Aright our hearts, fix us on You with a singular devotion. Let us shine Your light to those around us, that they might be saved through Jesus and Him alone!


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