March 11, Reading 2 – Psalm 76, 77


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Later generations looked upon David’s and Solomon’s reigns as the golden era. The reality was very different. These two psalms reflect both prosperous and joyous times and those that were times of distress and anguish. Asaph remembered what God had done in His salvation at the Red Sea. This was the ground of Asaph’s sustaining faith in both good and bad times. (76:8, 77:16-19)

SJA Notes

* Loving God, we would be like the man who finds a treasure hidden in the field – Your kingdom to fill us with joy and to give all we have for it.

“But you, you are to be feared! Who can stand before you when once your anger is roused?”

“Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders;”

“When the waters saw you, O God, when the waters saw you, they were afraid; indeed, the deep trembled.”

We have a mighty God, He is fearsome and never to be treated lightly.

He is the God who spoke and creation came into being, a work in motion.

He is the God who caused the whole earth to be submerged under water, the great floor with an ark of gopher wood.

He is the God who rescued His people from the Egyptian army, causing in one moment Israel to step through a sea on dry land, and in the next moment the waters to come crashing back into the enemies of God’s people.

He is the God who sent Himself, a sorrowful road to a terrible death on a wooden cross on the hill called the skull.

And He is the God who will return one day.

Let us be encouraged and exhorted to be about His work today. To be mindful of how we think about Him, speak of Him, and how we act as we bear His Name in the world.

There is none like our God!

* Creator God,

Thank You Lord for Your real and intentional love to us, Your people.

Thank You that though You are God, so far above us, You became a man to rescue us, Your people.

Thank You that You are coming back. You have not left us, You have not forgotten us, and You even now work in and through us as we walk this road.

Thank You Lord!
