October 18, Reading 2 – Lamentations 1


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Before revival comes, we must see our wretchedness, our spiritual poverty, our nakedness. Meditate on verse 16. Think about the paradox of the crucifixion – the enemy prevailed and the enemy suffered complete defeat!

SJA Notes

* God Above, please shows us more of You today from Your word.

“The Lord rejected all my mighty men in my midst; he summoned an assembly against me to crush my young men; the Lord has trodden as in a winepress the virgin daughter of Judah.”

How did this happen?

Here we have a song told from the perspective of Jerusalem/Zion, the city of God’s people.

How did these things happen?

“Jerusalem sinned grievously; therefore she became filthy; all who honored her despise her, for they have seen her nakedness;”

This is a sad state, a woeful recounting.

God ejected His people from the promised land. The earthly temple was destroyed. The leadership of the church and of the state was removed.

And so as they sat by the rivers of Babylon and wept lamentations, God’s people looked forward to MESSIAH, the true Lord’s Christ that would come and save them.

As with them, so with us – Looking for Jesus!

It is through HIM that we find things that are precious (that Israel had lost). Love. Joy. Peace. Hope. Faithfulness. Justice. Meekness. Humility.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit. Our treasures being stored up in heaven.

These are what we find in Jesus (and in no other).

Amen to this!

* Lord God Above,

You are holy and just. There is none like You.

You are perfect and blameless. There is none like You.

We come before You and humbly ask that You would save and sanctify us Lord God. Please wash us clean from the dust and muck of sin this day.

Please remind us of the hope that we have in You.
