October 19, Reading 1 – 2 Kings 21:19-22:20


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Manasseh repented in his final years. His son Amon, however, took his father’s earlier and long set example. It is a wonderful example of God’s grace that the son of someone like Amon, Josiah, should burn so brightly with living faith.

SJA Notes

* God Above, Your testimonies are our heritage forever, for they are the joy of our heart.

“He abandoned the LORD, the God of his fathers, and did not walk in the way of the LORD.”

Amon was the son of Manasseh, a chip off the old block, walking as his dad had done – promoting evil and sin as he saw fit.

Note here the distinction between “father” and “fathers”.

We have many earthly fathers in the faith. They have walked and taught God’s word, calling God’s people to repentance and belief.

Look at how Josiah was able to escape out from under the evils of previous generations.

Both his dad and grandpa lived most of their lives as dark and rotten as you can get.

At least one of Josiah’s uncles was killed in sacrifice to a false god by his grandfather.

“And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and walked in all the way of David his father, and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.”

Josiah chose to follow the Lord. As his line went back to David, we all of us go back to God, our perfect heavenly Father.

He is the source and apex of our spiritual heritage, there is none like Him!

We can be thankful for all involved in our spiritual heritage, those that have gone before.

* Father God,

Thank You for Your faithful saints through the ages, and for those to come.

Thank You that You are our heavenly Father.

Thank You for saving us!


October 18, Reading 1 – 2 Kings 20:1-21:18


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Manasseh is born after Hezekiah’s recovery. Hezekiah’s response to the prophecy of the coming destruction of Jerusalem and of his own children, as long as it doesn’t happen in my lifetime, that’s all right”, is a sad revelation of his later spiritual state and lethargy.

SJA Notes

* Mighty God, how sweet are Your words to our taste, sweeter than honey to our mouths!

“For he rebuilt the high places that Hezekiah his father had destroyed.”

In one generation all the good that Hezekiah had achieved was undone. Idolatry returned in force, in step with false worship and child sacrifice.

“Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to the other.”

This is a strong word, a hard thing to dwell on.

God’s response is clear,

“Behold, I am bringing upon Jerusalem and Judah such a disaster that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle.”

These are not empty words. We know what happens. The northern kingdoms were already dispersed, and now Judah comes into focus.

They are destroyed, cast down, scattered. God’s people in the wind.

For us – It is good to be reminded that god brought another event, one of great good and hope, that has great effect on the ears who hear.

Jesus’ act of sacrifice, His unfailing love, His obedience to the cross – These are truths that cannot be pushed aside.

You either reject Him or follow Him.

* Gracious God,

Thank You for Jesus!

Thank You for giving us a hope beyond this world.

Thank You that You are the one who continues to build Your church – It is Your body, Your people, You are our God and not the other way around!

Thank You Lord!


October 17, Reading 1 – 2 Kings 19


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Hezekiah’s prayer is a good example for us ourselves. Isaiah’s prophecy is the answer to Hezekiah’s prayer. God hears His Messiah’s prayers. Lord, teach us to pray!

SJA Notes

* Dear God in Heaven, forever is Your word firmly fixed in the heavens.

“Do not be afraid because of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have reviled me.”

How relevant this passage is for us today!

The Lord calls for courage from us, our trust to be founded and actively worked out in Him, Him alone.

Hezekiah does the right thing and brings a heavy letter of dread, spreading it before the Lord.

Hezekiah brings his and the people’s worries and concerns to the Lord.

How does the Lord answer? Of the Assyrian leaders He says,

“Who have you mocked and reviled? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes to the heights? Against the Holy One of Israel!”

God will not be mocked.

We see the end of the matter for the Assyrian threat to Israel at that time.

It is the Lord who fights for us His people. His strength.

It is His grace that saves us. His mercy that acts for us.

He keeps us safe.

His plans are for our good.


* Father God,

Thank You for all that You are – Such a Saviour for us, the God of steadfast love and faithfulness.

Please help us to honour You this day.
