March 9, Reading 1 – Exodus 27:20-28:14


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Right throughout the Old Testament, oil is a symbol for the Holy Spirit. These lamps were to be kept burning as a visible sign to Israel that the presence of God’s Spirit is the greatest blessing. We should do nothing to grieve the Spirit!

SJA Notes

* Lord God, thank You for giving to us the ordinances and precepts for how to walk in Your paths. Please help us on this narrow road.

“And Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD on his two shoulders for remembrance.”

Here is our Great High Priest, King Jesus, writ large.

Aaron was a high priest for a time, a short span. He was to regularly bring the names of the tribes, engraved on stones placed on the ephod – bring them before the Lord.

For remembrance.

Not because God forgets or loses interest or shakes the dust off.


Bringing the people to remembrance before the Lord, a job of the high priest, is as petitioning through prayer in a BIG WAY.

Not just walking through a prayer list each morning, the people who move in and out of our lives.

This is the entire people of God, brought before the Lord in petition, the high priest remembering them to the Lord.

And Jesus does this right now!

Each of us, God’s people, brought to remembrance to the throne of God by our Great High Priest.

And Jesus does this without stopping or taking a break.

His is the power of an indestructible life, able to intercede at the right hand of the Father, day by day without end.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour we have!

* Dear God,

Sometimes our lives become so wrapped up in the now, in the turmoil and trouble, in the anxieties and worries, that we find it hard to fix our eyes on You.

Please remind us to cast our cares on You – For You care for us, ever-interceding as High Priest everlasting.

Lord God, we believe. Please help our unbelief!


March 9, Reading 2 – Psalm 73


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The prosperity of the wicked! It seems cruel and unnatural that such things should be – yet that is the state of the world. We must live in a fallen world, not a redeemed one. Look beyond the prosperity of the wicked to their final destiny. God is the strength of your heart!

SJA Notes

* Dear God, please grow us Your kingdom today.

“But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end.”

There is a pattern shown here in Asaph’s words, one that we probably have a will no doubt continue to reflect on through life.

Asaph is upset with those who reject God, as they seem to “have it all”.

More, Asaph echoes self-pity when he says he has kept his heart clean in vain.

But then there is the pivot point, the crux on which this pattern turns, one that we must remember.

Asaph comes to God, into His sanctuary, into His presence!

Asaph goes to God.

What a lesson this is for us. God and His word given to us, His Spirit abiding in us – They are always recalibrating and realigning us, pointing us to true absolute north.

Let us be encouraged to bring our cares and worries to the Lord, for He cares for us, and to be reminded again and again of the true heavenly realities.

Let us tell those around us of the good works that God has done!

* Dear Lord God,

Please forgive us Lord in our sin, forgive that we forget You and Your truth so easily.

Thank You for Your word to us, that You write Your word upon our hearts.

Please help us to know You better today.


March 9, Reading 3 – Acts 15:36-16:15


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Paul and Barnabas’s disagreement over John Mark shows that as Matthew Henry said: “the best of men are but men, subject to like passions as we are. … only Christ’s example is … without blot.” Notice it is the Lord who opens Lydia’s heart, not Paul’s persuasive preaching. Pray always without ceasing!

SJA Notes

* God Above, thank You for giving us Jesus, Your word become flesh, who saves us from our sin.

“And there arose a sharp disagreement,”

Even Barnabas, the son of encouragement, had discouragement in his relationships.

We are not told a lot of what happened, but can glean a few things.

Barnabas and Paul had a disagreement over whether or not to bring along a believer who had previously lacked courage and conviction.

They argued.

And it was _sharp_.

Jesus is the ONLY example that matters, that we should aspire to. Anything in another human that resonates with us should only be what they are reflecting of our God, and so the glory and honour belongs to Him, not us.

We don’t look to the copies and raise them up as heroes.

There is only one hero, one to worship – It is King Jesus, God in the Person of the Son.

Nobody else can stand or measure up.

We know this because God’s word teaches us this, and because we can see the truth if our eyes are opened to it.

That even the best of us is broken and unable to be worthy on our own volition.

We need Jesus.

Let us see Him today, draw near to Him, listen to Him.

* Gracious Lord,

Thank You that Jesus, You the son, is the perfect and supreme example of how to live for You.

The PRIME and ONLY and EVERLASTING example of what it means to submit under Your will, to love You and serve You.

Please help us be more like Him.

Sink us in self that we might rise in Thee.
