July 30, Reading 1 – 1 Samuel 2


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Life is never smooth and has never been smooth. Godliness gives strength in difficulties, not escape from them. What speaks to your heart and soul in Hannah’s prayer?

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* God of Wonders, we are fools if we think You do not exist, that there is no God. You look down from heaven – May we be found seeking You.

“For the pillars of the earth are the LORD’s, and on them he has set the world.”

There is much wisdom in Hannah’s prayer, no doubt hard-won and tested through tribulation.

We can be reminded of Job – Of who God is and how we view  His actions, and our own reactions to His work.

Hannah knows that God makes poor and makes rich, He brings low and He exalts, He takes life and He gives life.

These are real truths that strongly impacted Hannah in her life, and they are to be the same for us.

Hannah was humbled before the Lord, and her thanks for His blessing upon her is heartfelt and deep.

In Job we read,

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.”

And further,

“Have you an arm like God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?”

We do not command the morning.

We do not cause the dawn to know its place.

We cannot loose the cords of Orion or send forth lightnings.

The Lord does these things, He is God!

Creator, Sustainer, Life-Giver – There is none like Him!

* Gracious God,

You are the great Creator God – Praise You!

Help us please to know You better today, Your power and Your majesty.

Please write Your word on our hearts today.


July 30, Reading 2 – Isaiah 45:9-25


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Paul uses verse 9 in his reasoning in Romans 9:19-21.Verse 22 is remarkable when you realise that this is talking of a day when Israel had been destroyed as a nation. The Church’s destruction or failure is no proof of atheism or an uncaring God. God calls us to faith and repentance in good days and evil.

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* Father God, please teach us today from Your word, sufficient for our growth according to Your will.

“… And there is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Saviour; there is none besides me.”

Wisdom cries out, God’s word is clear – There is no other but Him!

Why do we, God’s people, think to bend our ear to the world’s whispers, turn our eye to the bright glitter of the broad road?

Has Isaiah’s repeated focus seeped deep enough, are we hearing it, is it impacting us?

There is no other god but our God!

“Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth!”

What other message is there but this?

Layered over and over, we have God calling us His people, through all the ages, to this truth – That He is the only Saviour, there is no other God. Believe in nobody else, in nothing else, no thought or word or deed. Only He satisfies, only He rescues.

“Only in the LORD, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength;”

This is it. If we turn from this then we are the one who looks in a mirror then turns and immediately forgets the truth.


* Father God,

Thank You that Your word is the only mirror that always tells us the truth.

Thank You that Your Spirit is at work is us, Your people.

Please save our loved ones Lord God. Please call them, and may they answer.

And Lord, please continue to bring us toward You, each day, little by little. Make us more like You. Open our eyes today and onwards, that we might see Jesus.

There is no other god besides You, our rock and our redeemer, our SAVIOUR.


July 30, Reading 3 – 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:13


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God has committed unto you through His apostle the ministry of reconciliation! May the joy of being a new creation in Christ strengthen your heart today!

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* Holy God, thank You for Your word, that it teaches us about You and Your salvation plan for us.

“Behold, now is the favourable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

Now is the favourable time! Now is the day of salvation!

Here is a cry from Paul for those reading his words – Come to Jesus!

He implores the reader, be reconciled to God!

Let this be our cry, as we speak to folk around us.

Let our lives be salt and light, imploring people to be reconciled to God in Jesus.

Let our prayer be for the day of salvation, the favourable time, to be now for those we know.

* Father God,

For our sake You made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin – so that in Him we might become righteousness, Your righteousness.

Please save those around us and onwards outwards Lord God.

Please call them with irresistible grace and may they answer.

May they be reconciled to You.

Please Lord God, this we pray.
