December 30, Reading 2 – Malachi 2:10-3:18


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

2:13-16 are words on adultery that search out our hearts. They were necessary then and are still so today. 3:1 is the prophecy of John the Baptist. The essence of true religion is not feeling good, but in wanting to please God.

SJA Notes

* God Above, please show us today Your word, what You want for us from it.

“Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.”

This can be a hard word for us today, as the world prompts us to be spending time on ourselves, to be self-serving first and other-serving second, to be free to move with the winds of the heart.

First. Marriage is a three-fold cord. God considers this covenant so important that a portion of His Spirit makes up the union of believing husband and wife.

Second. God wants us to produce godly offspring. If we cannot, then we cannot. But if we are able, then that is a call on us if we are married.

Third. Faithfulness is to be the prime marker of our marriages. Reflecting God’s faithfulness to us His people, husband and wife maintaining covenant in thought, word and deed.

Remember the truth of our broken hearts! From Jeremiah chapter 17,

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”

Don’t trust in our own ability to defend against temptation.

Don’t trust in our own righteousness to ward off evil.

Don’t trust in our own goodness to resist the worldly allure.

We need Jesus!

* Father God,

Please help us Lord God to show Your faithfulness to those around us, in all of our relationships.

Please mark us as a faithful people, holding to Your covenant with us.

Thank You for Jesus, through whom both sides of the covenant with You are kept.


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