December 23, Reading 1 – Nehemiah 10, 11


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SAA Notes

The Scots Covenanters took their practice of public or group covenants from passages such as this in chapter 10. The believers covenant to reform their lives and behaviour in certain specific areas. The list of settlers confirms for them and us the great fact that God has kept His promise through the Prophet Jeremiah – Jeremiah 29:10.

SJA Notes

* Almighty God, Your eyes are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

“… And enter into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s law that was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord and his rules and his statutes.”

Here is the culmination of much of what we read in Ezra and Nehemiah.

All of God’s people come together. The elders, the teachers and preachers, the church administrators, the heads of the local and tribal/state and national governments, and all the people.

Together in one accord.

They covenanted many things. To keep the Sabbath holy. To refuse intermarriage with unbelievers. To give back to the Lord from what He had given to them. To keep God’s house.

They bound themselves in obligation to the Lord, willingly.

This is an important event.

So what happened in the years that followed?

By the time of Jesus, what had happened to these covenants?

It is the truth we see throughout the old testament.

We ourselves cannot keep covenant with God!

A generation might remain faithful, but then a new generation rises up and rejects the Lord!


Praise God that in Jesus, God the son become flesh (dwelling amongst us) – He keeps both sides of His covenant with us – We live in His righteous keeping of the covenant!

And in Jesus we are able to walk in obedience under God’s sovereign will, striving day by day to walk in His paths, striving in His strength, with His wisdom, His word written on our hearts.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

* God Above,

Thank You for Jesus – In whom we have life!

Thank You for Your word – That we see in flesh in our Saviour, God in the Person of the Son, King Jesus.

Please help us to walk in obedience today Lord God, to do what You tell us to.


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