SAA Notes
The imagery of this chapter comes from the Exodus, Ezekiel’s visions, Noah, the 12 Patriarchs of Israel and the 12 Apostles. What have you found worthy about God this past week or month?
SJA Notes
* All-Powerful God Above, You have shown us grace and mercy in giving us Your word. May we hear and obey today.
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”
We find here in these words a great deep and wide aspect of who our God is.
God WAS.
He existed before creation, and even more, He is outside of time.
God IS.
We serve a living God, alive and powerful and working His purposes out.
This world is not the end, we look forward to that day when our Lord God returns and calls us home to glory, into that eternal rest promised us His people.
* Lord God,
Please fix within us a hope of what is to come. Of Your return, of the last trumpet, our mortal become immortal. Of the new heavens and the new earth, for Your light on all, of You living with us Your people.
Please hasten that day!