SAA Notes
To love Christ is to obey Him! (verse 15) Obedience is placed in closest conjunction with the gift of the Counsellor the Holy Spirit. Obedience to the Word of Christ is one sure test of whether someone has the fulness of the Spirit. Without such obedience all the claims and signs are empty shells.
SJA Notes
* Dear God, please show us a little more of who You are today.
“… And we will come to him and make our home with him.”
Jesus delivers some profound truths in today’s passage about Himself, about the Triune (Trinity) God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the Helper who the Father sends in the name of the Son.
It is God in all His fullness who dwells in us, even as the Holy Spirit is the Person of the Godhead sent to us at Pentecost.
The Son has taught us many things, truths that the Spirit writes on our hearts and brings remembrance of, teaching heard through the Son but from the Father.
Let us be encouraged to stand firm in our holy Three-Persons God.
* Father God,
Thank You for this passage in John, these words from Jesus.
Please help us to dwell on You, on who You are – On You as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.