September 4, Reading 3 – Galatians 5:10-26


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SAA Notes

Freedom in Christ is freedom to serve one another in love. Love is fulfilling of the Ten Commandments in a manner that God defines. Read Jesus’ words on the Commandments in the Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5:17-48.

SJA Notes

* King of Kings, Lord God, thank You for Your word to us today – You are the true God, there is no other.

“If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”

This is some practical advice from Paul, and how convicting it should be to us!

We can often claim to be Spirit-filled, but instead are full of the works of the flesh.

How different the two lists in this passage are.

It is sobering to work through them.

For the list of the works of the flesh – Are we keeping in step with the Spirit by _not_ doing these things?

For the list of the works of the Spirit – Are we keeping in step with the Spirit by bearing these fruit, working them out in our thoughts, words and deeds?

Our claims must be backed up by our practice.

* Father God,

Your Spirit is life-giving, and You have given it to us – Thank You and Hallelujah!

Please help us to live in step with Your Spirit; To run from and resist the temptation to do the works of the flesh; And to grasp and run to and work hard at the fruit of the Spirit.

Please Lord, help us to not be conceited. Help us to not provoke or envy one another.


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