SAA Notes
Rehoboam is not some twenty-year old. He is forty years of age! Yet he acts like a spoilt child. He loses control of nine of the eleven tribes with land. Remember the Lord’s word to Solomon: if you walk before Me in integrity of heart and uprightness.
SJA Notes
* Heavenly Father, You are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering Yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent.
“What portion do we have in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse.”
Barely a generation from great king David and we see Israel walking away, we see how quickly they fled the house of David.
Each king has had great trouble, so far. Saul, David and even Solomon. The divisions were there, ebbing and flowing.
As we today continue to go through tumultuous periods in our own lives, as the world beckons loud and strong – What portion do we have, what inheritance?
It is only in Jesus that any of us have an inheritance. In the great Son of the son of Jesse. His kingdom can never be split asunder or taken from Him!
What portion do we have in David?
The better question is, what portion do we have in Christ, David’s Lord?
In Him we have an inheritance not made by human hand, made of heavenly truths, realities only found in God.
Praise God, Hallelujah – What a Saviour!
* Lord God,
Thank You for the inheritance we have in You.
Thank You for promising us such a weight of heavenly hope that nothing else can compare.
Thank You for building the new heavens and new earth, a place where You and we will dwell together. You our God. We Your people.
Lord hasten that day!