SAA Notes
Nathan bravely approached King David about David’s immoralities. David was someone who could be rebuked and not react violently. He repented – as Psalm 51 testifies. His words in verse 23 have brought comfort to many. Our resurrection hope is wonderful!
SJA Notes
* God Above, may we listen to You, walk in Your ways, submit to You.
“You are the man!”
This is not a jovial word between friends.
This was Nathan the prophet of God calling out David the prince of God’s people – the Lord’s anointed – for his sin.
“Why have you despised the word of the LORD, to do what is evil in his sight?”
This is not a word to the unbeliever, to one who is still living in rejection of God.
This was to a man after God’s own heart, King David, whom the Lord had made great!
For us today we can take comfort that in Jesus, our King, we have a King who never, not once, despised the word of the Lord. He never did a single wrong thing.
He is our forever King! We can rely upon Him completely.
And too. Because we are sinners. We can be encouraged, exhorted, convicted, to respond to godly rebuke as David did.
“I have sinned against the LORD,”
We know that Psalm 51 was written by David about this very event, and it holds a detailed process of humbly falling on the Lord’s mercy regarding our sin (which deserves just punishment).
But here, in the depths of this dark passage, we see David holds to the resurrection hope that we all have (we need to do this too!).
Of his baby boy who died, David says,
“I shall go to him, but he will not return to me.”
* Father God,
Thank You that Jesus our King without fault or error.
Thank You that we can find forgiveness in Your mercy, we humbly seek Your forgiveness today!
Lord, please forgive us our sin!