August 1, Reading 1 – 1 Samuel 4, 5


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

The glory departs from Israel! Phineas and Hophni did not realise this, Phineas’ wife did. Would you realise when the Glory has departed from our church or people? The Gospel is preached to the Philistines – they see that the Lord is God. He throws down their idol Dagon. Philistia has a different spirit to the city of Gibeon, who heard and believed and therefore did everything to join Israel.

SJA Notes

* God of Light, please listen to our prayers O God, do not ignore our pleas. We call upon You, and trust in Your salvation.

“The glory has departed from Israel!”

The ark is captured, the glory of the Lord departs Israel.

A very low point, similar to that in Ezekiel as we see the glory of the Lord departing the temple, as the exiles were taken and living in Babylon (Ezekiel 10).

Israel at this time seemed to want to use the ark like a magic spell, a genie in a bottle – For the Lord to appear, or His power to be at work and conquer their enemies.

God doesn’t work this way.

Both Philistia and Israel see the truth of this clearly in the passage today.

Eli dies. One of the very last judges of Israel.

When the Philistines capture the ark, while Israel was soundly defeated, this has no bearing on the Lord’s sovereignty and power!

“The hand of God was very heavy there.”

God afflicted the Philistines, so much that their cry went up to heaven.

It is good for us to be reminded that our Lord God is the LORD – There is no other!

His ways are beyond our comprehension, we cannot plumb the depths of His mind – And yet He gives us His word, He reveals Himself to us.

We read in Isaiah 46,

“… For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, …”

This is our God!

* God Above,

You are God, there is none like You.

Please help us understand You better today.

Please help us figure out a little more of how to take the growing understanding and work it into our lives – Please teach us Lord God!

You are sovereign, we are not.

Your plans cannot fail, Your will is absolute, there is none that can overpower You.

Amen, and Hallelujah!

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