SAA Notes
One important principle of good civil government is given here – that of limited authority. The king, as representing civil government just as the prime minister does today in Australia, was to be under God’s law, under a higher authority. This is the spiritual basis of a government lasting a long time. We neglect this principle to our sorrow in family, church and nation.
SJA Notes
* Great and Mighty God, let Your steadfast love come to us, Your salvation according to Your promise!
“And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by the Levitical priests.”
The king must know God’s word very well!
He had to write his own copy and read it all his days.
To what purpose?
That he might learn to fear the LORD his God through obedience, humility and singular devotion.
We see from Israel’s history just how important having a king was. The nation rose and fell with the king. When he turned aside from God so did the people.
King David had a heart after God’s own heart. But David disobeyed, walked in folly, became both a murderer and adulterer.
King Solomon built the great temple for the Lord in Jerusalem. But Solomon acquired many horses, many wives, and excessive silver and gold.
King followed king (across both the kingdoms after the split), most of them leading the people astray.
They needed a better king.
So do we.
Jesus knew God’s word.
Jesus kept the words of the law and statutes, did them, walked in humility and singular devotion, not turning to the right hand or the left.
And Jesus continues long in His kingdom – The eternal king!
We are God’s children, subjects in Jesus’ kingdom – we continue with and in Him.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
* Lord God,
Thank You that You are a King like no other – eternal in Your reign and righteous in Your rule.
Please help us to be Your people, living in Your kingdom come here on earth, proclaiming Your word to those around us.