March 7, Reading 1 – Exodus 26:1-30


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

When reading these passages from Exodus, it is a good idea to read chapters 9 and 10 of Hebrews for a New Testament perspective. One instructive lesson is that if God took such excessive care for this small mobile Tabernacle, how much more care will He be taking over that more glorious Tabernacle – the body of Christ, the Church .

SJA Notes

* Dear God, this day is Yours. Thank You for Your word to us today.

“Then you shall erect the tabernacle according to the plan for it that you were shown on the mountain.”

Curtains and loops, clasps and wooden frames, bars and rings of gold. A single whole.

This was a meeting place designed to be transportable. Able to be put up and then taken down. Moved. Then put up again.

There’s an interesting symmetry here.

Israel were to worship at the portable tabernacle as they wandered through the desert, the approach to the promised land. The tabernacle, the meeting place of man with God, went with them.

Once they make it in, and David secures the kingdom, his son Solomon then builds the temple. A fixed building in a fixed location. Not portable. God’s presence fixed in His chosen land amongst His chosen people.

On this side of Messiah, of Jesus, we God’s people wander about as little tabernacles ourselves. Immanuel, God with us!

Jesus sent the Helper, God in the Person of the Spirit, to be our guide and comforter, our companion and INDWELLER.

And just like Israel travelling through the desert, we too look forward to the land God has promised to us – GLORY!

Where He will dwell with us, and we will be His people in all full truth and reality. The heavens and earth made new, no more death or decay or pain or frustration. A fixed location, God on His throne, we worshipping in His light – No more sun, no more travelling as sojourners.


How good is our God!

* Father God,

Thank You for this great hope we have in You, in Your great promises to us for the not yet.

We believe Lord, please help our unbelief!


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