March 19, Reading 1 – Exodus 36


Audio, Visual

SAA Notes

Every skilled person worked on the Tabernacle. What skills are necessary to be builders in the body of Christ the Church – in your own congregation? They will be common and ordinary skills!

SJA Notes

* God Above, please mould us under Your hand and Your word today.

“The people bring much more than enough for doing the work that the LORD has commanded us to do.”

Here is a clear example of what it means to give as moved in the heart (as the Lord has called out many times through the previous readings).

This is a good encouragement and exhortation to us – Are our hearts open to the Spirit’s moving, to be generous without thought of return?

We are often going to strange times, there is much uncertainty running rife across the entire globe.

Let us following the example of God’s people here in this passage, showing Jesus to those around us – Our King who gave Himself, generosity unmatched.

* Dear Lord God,

Please watch over us at this time.

Please mark us as a generous people, not thinking about return, but our hearts fixed on You.

Thank You for the assurance that You are at work for our good, bringing us to glory.


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